Play Scene 2
People of God | Exodus | Law | Kingdom
Narrated by Pio Mulipola
Key scriptures
The covenant with Abraham: Genesis 12:1 – 3
The family of Israel: Genesis 35
Te Haerenga Ākonga/Student Experience space. Through the Exodus we see God reconnecting with his people. Pīpīwharauroa in a trinitarian cluster echo Rublev’s Troitsa. Depicting the three visitors to Abraham, a reminder of God’s promise and covenant – to redeem his people, and bless his creation. He whakapapa tapu, he taonga tuku iho.
Derived from poutama designs, repeating patterns symbolise the student journey as we edge our way towards learning zones. God’s blessing on Abraham unfolds, his descendants grow in number. We look on as they become enslaved in Egypt, experiencing the effects of sin and death under Pharoah’s rule.

I am who I am – a light in the darkness, God calls out to Moses in the burning bush.
As he first parted the waters of creation, so now the Red Sea is parted as God, through Moses, leads Israel to the Promised Land.
Through the desert he does not leave them, with pillars of cloud and fire to guide the way.
“you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”
A covenant is revealed. Mt Sinai hosts Moses’ interaction with God. Israel, is formed, set apart, receiving a pattern of redemptive life in the Law, to participate in God’s redemption of the world. Matariki stars feature in the sky, a moment to pause and reflect on past, present, and trust in God’s leading into the future.
Room 146. Through the desert, the People of God are led to the Kingdom, the Promised Land. We are greeted by Tauhou in the branches of full bloom Kōwhai.
Room 147. Miromiro rests on a spade handle, signalling the harvest, as mountains of kūmara, bountiful fruit, and cascades of water draw us into our largest gathering and community space - Te Rau Aroha. Though symbols of Gods provision, the fruit here mirrors that first seen in the Garden with Adam and Eve. Israel struggles to keep their covenant with God. Falling in and out of favour as they look to other gods to sustain them. The sin of Eden remains.