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Play  Scene 4


Narrated by Bradford Haami

00:00 / 02:26

Key scriptures

God’s covenant with David: 2 Samuel 7

God blesses Solomon: 1 Kings 4:20 – 34

God enters the Temple: 1 Kings 8

The largest of our studio spaces, and largest gathering room is adorned with Kererū, meeting together kanohi ki te kanohi as the doors slide together. Face to face, breath to breath. Wings outspread, reminiscent of the cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant, and framed by Nīkau as pillars of Solomon’s Temple, decorated as a reminder to Israel of the garden of Eden, where humanity first met with God.  


As we close out our Kingdom space, and the last of our two learning studios on Level 1, turning left we ease into a garden glade.  


A cry to God for a King to guide them, Israel was provided an unexpected leader, found in King David. Before his son Solomon took the throne, fulfilling God’s covenant to David, we sit with him as shepherd in this reflective space. His prayers, featured in Hebrew, are also a prayer for our students. The skyline of Jerusalem features on Kererū 180. Forest birds Kōkako and Kākāriki give their names to these rooms. Tōtara and Kauri - kings of the forest, depicted alongside the butterflies and snails, the hidden kingdom – all creatures great and small. Honeybees symbolise the prophet era, with their words reminding us of God as the source of life and wisdom. 

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