Play Scene 5
Exile | Remnant
Narrated by Rev. Dr Imoa Setefano
Key scriptures
The turning point of the Kingdom: 1 Kings 11 – 12
God promises Exile: 2 Kings 21:1 – 18
The fall of Jerusalem: Jeremiah 52
The lament of Exile: Lamentations 1 – 5
Say, ‘I am a sign to you. As I have done, so it will be done to them; they will go into exile, into captivity.’
The luscious and green colour palette of the Kingdom gives way to subdued, earthy tones as we move into the time of Exile. Despite repeated warnings through the prophets, an indignant people, Israel’s cycle of rebellion leads to decline and oppression. By the waters the throngs of people are cast away, with heads bowed, while Pūkeko peck for crumbs in the dust. The cabbage tree found in the Fall makes its way back into the narrative as we remember the fracturing of the hope of Israel. The kingdom crumbles as darkness descends. Sin remains deep in the hearts of mankind, kings and shepherds alike.
Restore us to yourself, LORD, that we may return; renew our days as of old.
Though the forest has fallen, there is hope to be found. From death comes life.
A shoot will sprout up from the stump of Jesse.
As the Remnant returns to the Land, we are pointed to the promise that God will act again. The landscape reveals the Christmas star, a Saviour is born. He did not come in fanfare with armies, but quietly in the dead of night. The stable a whare. A Kākāpō takes watch.