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Play Scene 9

New Creation

Narrated by Sasha McPherson

00:00 / 05:28

Key scriptures

The supremacy of Jesus: Hebrews 1

First fruits of the new creation: James 1:17 – 18

The future revealed in us: Romans 8

The Resurrection: 1 Corinthians 15

As we lift our eyes to Level 3, our gaze rests on new creation.  


Ko Te Whakahoutanga Tō Mātou Karangatanga. Renewal Is Our Vocation 


Concluding the biblical story, we finish as we began with a direct representation of the welcome wall. Creation redeemed to full glory. Korimako is toned with sunset colours, and joined by a host of singing birds. Gone is the shadow of what is to come, as we step into renewed space. 


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ. the new creation has come. 


Rooms 351 & 352. Jerusalem and Temple imagery shown through the Nīkau pillars and blocks of the kingdom city, now gold.  

Framed by the promise of renewal and inbreaking of Christ’s kingdom, we revisit scenes pointing to new creation. We see Mary and Jesus in the garden, following his resurrection. A redeemed depiction of Adam and Eve. Relationships restored in new creation. The old has gone the new is coming. As one chapter ends, a new one begins. Plentiful and flourishing flora gives light to the promise of this future.  

Tūī sing together, as Clematis blossom, small creatures of creation abound, fronds branch out. Scripture reminds and encourages us all as workers of renewal to ‘walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us.’ 

Renewal continues as we are reminded of Jesus calling to his disciples on the water, their nets brimming with fish. The call extends to us, as all of life is renewed, so that our lives and work become part of the endless stories that are told of what Christ has done. Kōwhai bloom as this story bookends with a scripture from John: 


Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. 

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